
How to Use ProFresh®

How to smash bad breath in 4 Simple Steps

Please remember:

  • Each bottle of ProFresh® Rinse must be activated before use (simply add Activator Packs)
  • New users should add two and two B activators to the first bottle. This provides an extra-strength rinse that will help dislodge the accumulated bacteria that causes your bad breath.
  • DO NOT USE TOOTHPASTE BEFORE USING PROFRESH® as it will decrease the effectiveness of ProFresh®. You should brush with toothpaste AFTER using ProFresh®.

The ProFresh® Breathcare System is simple, inexpensive and easy.

In just 2 minutes, twice daily – this simple routine will smash bad breath!

Step 1 – Floss between your teeth

  • Remove bacteria and food particles using floss string, flosser sticks or flossing brushes. To enhance this flossing process, you should use the right size flossers and if you are using flossing brushes, rinse the floss brush into a capful of ProFresh® Mouth Wash between flossing each tooth.

Step 2 – Rinse and gargle with ProFresh®

  • Rinse vigorously with 7ml (one bottle cap) of ProFresh® Mouth Wash.
  • Tilt your head back, extend your tongue and gargle for an additional 10 seconds to soak the back of your tongue with the rinse. Then spit out.

Step 3 – Clean the tongue

  • Place the edge of the ProFresh® Tongue Cleaner firmly upon the back of your tongue and drag it forward
  • Repeat 6-12 times, rinsing your mouth and the tongue cleaner with water each time. Be sure to clean the sides of your tongue as well as the middle to remove all the tongue coating.

Step 4 – Rinse and gargle with ProFresh®

  • Rinse vigorously with 7ml (one bottle cap) of ProFresh® Mouth Wash for 20 seconds.
  • Tilt your head back, extend your tongue and gargle for an additional 10 seconds to soak the back of your tongue with the rinse. Then spit out.

Daily use is critical to maintaining fresh breath, always make sure you have a spare bottle, you don’t want to run out! Order here

Additional Tips for using ProFresh®

Short on time?
If you don’t have time to do the 3 steps in full, simply rinse and gargle with ProFresh® twice a day and clean your tongue to loosen the bacteria.

Want the Optimum in Oral Health?
If you want the maximum benefit from the ProFresh® system, add the following step to your routine.

  • With the ProFresh® rinse in your mouth, keep your head upright and insert your toothbrush into your mouth keeping your lips sealed around the toothbrush handle to avoid spillage.
  • Brush the inside of your lips, cheeks, tongue, palate and teeth for one minute then spit out. This will help reduce the formation of plaque.

Do you Wear Dentures?
If you wear dentures, use the following routine:

  • Clean removable dentures daily. Rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Soak the denture(s) overnight in ProFresh® rinse the first night you start the ProFresh® Programme.
  • From then onwards, soak them in ProFresh® overnight once each month.

Start your ProFresh Programme today!